By Tom Chapin
The video clip features a young father playing a guitar and singing to his little boy who is about to doze off to sleep in his bed.
To watch the video clip, just google “not on the test video’ or “it’s not on the test video’.
Go on to sleep now little grader of mine,
The test is tomorrow but you’ll do just fine.
It’s Reading and Maths; forget all the rest.
You don’t need to know what is not on the test.
Each box that you tick on each test that you take,
Remember your teachers; their jobs are at stake.
Your score is their score, but don’t get all stressed;
They never teach anything not on the test.
The school board is faced with ‘No Child Left behind’,
With rules but no funding; they’re caught in a bind;
So Music and Art and the things you love best
Are not in the school ’cos they’re not on the test
Sleep, Sleep and as you progress,
You’ll learn there’s a lot that is not on the test.
Debate is a skill that is useful to know
Unless you’re in Congress or talk-radio;
Where Shouting and Spouting and Spewing are blessed,
As rational discourse was not on the test.
Thinking’s important; it’s good to know how.
Someday you’ll learn to, but someday’s not now.
Go on to sleep now, you’ll need your rest.
Don’t think about thinking; it’s not on the test.