28 Jan. ’10 – The Gillard web.


28 JANUARY 2010 – A Day to Remember.

Pupil-oriented schooling is neutered.

This date too must be remembered as an important date in Australia’s education history.  28 January, 2010. The curriculum-destructive My School was published by ACARA. It is an historical occasion that  marks the demise of pupil-oriented schooling in Australia.  The site opened today as a curiosity item and worked for her-who-must-be-obeyed.  There were millions of hits from the curious… so it was judged to be  a success.

‘The Week’ magazine [29 January 2010] portrayed the incident well on its front cover. The brilliant John Tiedemann cartoon showed the all-powerful, supreme commander standing in front of a chalk-board looking very stern indeed. She is holding a cane, bent, ready to use. The cowed teachers are before her, with one, a little dunce, quivering in the corner.  On the chalk-board in large letters is ‘SCHOOLS ON TRIAL  Miss Gillard Sets the Test.”  The cartoon is an historical gem.

The already-available school supplied website of each school provides all the information needed by most parents. If I want to check out what  any school does, I’m old enough to sense whether it provides for my child’s interests. Some school sites are a bit slack at this time of the year  and I confess to checking to see who is telling the parents about the consequences of blanket testing and providing a form for those who wish to withdraw. Surely that is fair to all concerned. I’m disappointed so far. As a parent I demand to know what is going on at my school, state-wide and nation-wide and I want to hear it from my Principal. I’d like to know where my Principal stands on issues…in print, preferably.

Apropos : In 2007, Chris Bonnor and Jane Caro wrote “THE STUPID COUNTRY –   How Australia is Dismantlng Public Education.”  Its candidness about our move to a two-class education system, as you will know, is enlightening. Chris, a Secondary School Principal was, until recently, President of The NSW Secondary Prinipals Associaion….a practising professional. He comments occasionally on On Line Opinion.

One is tempted to write  a book from a Primary School perspectve, called “GETTING STUPIDER AND STUPIDER”. Chapter headings [frivolous, but meaningful] :- 1.Plumbers are running the Garage.    2.  ACARA rhymes with CASCARA ?    3. Frau Julia sacks professional principals.    4.  How to teach toadies to pussy-foot.   5.   Evaluate, assess, judge, test, grade and appraise with ease.   6. What happened to my favourite subject ? A pupil’s perspective.    7. How to stop pupils and parents from sharing evaluation .     8. Short cuts to the 3Rs…Repetition, Repetition, Repetition. 9. How an educratic ‘expert’ can record schooling experience on a postage stamp in large font. 10. Sieg Heil, Frau Gillard.
